Monday, December 27, 2010

Runaway - Bruno Mars lyrics

I know that these passing days it seems that Im neglecting you n spend less quality time with you my dear....I am sorry...I know that you always accept me for who I am eventhough I am not that perfect...thank you...but do know that you are always in my mind in every single thing that I do...I love you=)

Friday, December 3, 2010

MY Promise

Please just do this one thing dat i asked u to do n i will always be yours....i promise!!!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Always wondering why people love to butt in into others personal life? if they keep it to themselves...fine...but when it comes to affecting the person's life...what I can say is...WTF!!!!!you have no right to interfere in my relationships...or who and why i went out with...the worst...simply drAW some stupid conclusion without knowing the full story of you guys know what you have did?????so please....BUZZ OFF MY LIFE!!!!GET A LIFE AND TAKE A GOOD CARE OF YOUR OWN PURRFECTT LIFE!!!!DONT CREATE ANY RUMORS!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


***sometimes to love somebody is by letting her/him goes***

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Climb

Lesson of Life - You will not always get all the things that you want easily, you need to work your butt off to have what you really want...there will always be obstacles that sometimes out of your expectations....but never let it to be an excuse for you to back down...always try your best...and if you failed, then pick up all the pieces and start all over again for a new one....never gives up and keep moving forward...with efforts, patients and faith you will find your way and get what you want sooner or later...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

secret-what you give you get back

hahaha.....similar to the title of this song....i have a lot of secrets that i couldnt share it with pretty sure there are a lot of guessing being made due to it...but let them keep on guessing....huhuhu...i like to leave people thoughtless and keep on guessing things that they want to shows that their determination to seek for the answer and it makes me wanting to be more closer to them...but the funniest thing is, sometimes im also quite clueless on my surroundings so ya, people also keep secrets from me too...and im ok with it....;)